


CAF National Golf Championshipship thunders to a close at CFB Shilo

August 19, 2024

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Women’s participants at the 2024 CAF Golf National Championships gather at the awards banquet at CFB Shilo on Aug. 14. (Photo K-J Millar/Shilo Stag Media)

K-J Millar
Shilo Stag Media

The 2024 Annual Canadian Armed Forces Golf Nationals thundered to a wrap-up at CFB Shilo on Aug. 14 despite downpour rain, with players from the mixed Team Independents capturing both the male and female gold medals.

Taylor Rogalsky was adorned with the female gold medal for her overall score of 225, and Paul Swansburg took home his gold after hitting 223.

The five mixed teams of Army, Navy, and Air Force athletes saw the Men’s Atlantic team take the gold with a total of 1208, and the Women’s Ontario team received their championship accolades for a score of 545.

For the first time in more than seven years, Shilo Golf and Country Club hosted the three-day tournament, which included 45 golfers from the Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, and Canada West regions, plus a team of Independents.

“Nationals were held in Petawawa last year,” said Andy Depner, sports and recreation coordinator. “It’s the first time since 2015 the event has been held in Shilo.”

Depner said there were three competitions within the main tournament: a men’s competition, a women’s challenge, and teams.

Susan Chiasson from Team Ontario won the Women’s silver medal with an overall score of 270, and Ray Dorion from Team Independents took home silver for the Men’s match.

The Ontario region’s female gold medalist team included Susan Chiasson, Suzi McBride, and BJ Wagner. Canada West, whose players were Gena Parent, Kayla Hobday, and Isabelle Langevin, was awarded silver.

The Atlantic Team, which includes Mark Canfield, James Everett, Chris Topshee, Dave Parsons, Steve Clark, and Marc Roach, is the male team gold medalist.

The Ontario Team, including Bryan Hudon, Nick Grosjean, Corey Zevenbergen, Dave Costin, Ryan Baumann and Anthony Russell, won the silver accolade.

During the award ceremony dinner, special awards for sportsmanship were presented to Katie Collins from Team Quebec and Keith Morris from Team Independents.