

Canada pledges $38.3 million to support new and expanded counter-terrorism projects

October 2, 2024

Cpl Maxime Proulx at 2018 Ex Heavy Loader Competition

Air Task Force-Iraq construction engineers hammer a grounding rod into place in preparation of a new aircraft maintenance area at Camp Patrice Vincent, Kuwait on April 13, 2015, during Operation IMPACT. (Photo: OP Impact)

K-J Millar
Shilo Stag Media

Canada has committed more than $38.3 million to support nine new and expanded counter-terrorism capacity-building projects, as well as six peace and stabilization projects in Syria and Iraq, Minister of National Defence Bill Blair announced on Sept. 30.

“These civilian-led initiatives work to counter and respond to the evolving global threat posed by Daesh while establishing the conditions necessary for lasting stability and social cohesion,” a Canadian Armed Forces press release reads.

“Canada remains a reliable partner in multinational efforts to mobilize against the threat of Daesh. We will continue to provide training, advice and assistance to Iraqi security forces, and support the Global Coalition and NATO through Operation IMPACT,” Blair stated in a Canadian Armed Forces press release.

Thirty-seven countries participated in the 10th anniversary Foreign Ministers meeting of the Global Coalition Against Daesh, hosted by US Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken.

The coalition group continues to work to establish ways forward in response to the evolving threat posed by Daesh, including the growth of its affiliates in Africa and Central Asia (including ISIS-Khorasan Province or ISKP), the media statement reads.

“As we mark the Coalition’s tenth anniversary, we honour the sacrifices made by those who fought and died in Iraq and Syria to liberate territories from Daesh. We must strengthen our cooperation with partners to counter the spread of Daesh and ensure its enduring defeat,” Blair said.

“Coalition members underscored their shared determination to continue the fight against Daesh in the Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia through military and civilian-led efforts while also recognizing the need to adapt, evolve and leverage successes to meet tomorrow’s challenges. They emphasized the protection of civilians as a priority and affirmed that international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, as well as relevant UN Security Council resolutions, must be upheld under all circumstances,” the media statement reads.

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has contributed to the Global Coalition and has worked with partners in the Middle East to set the conditions for stability and security since 2014. Under Op IMPACT, the CAF provides training, advice and assistance to Iraqi security forces and supports the Global Coalition and NATO Mission Iraq with highly skilled personnel. The CAF also supports efforts to advise Iraqi officials in building more effective and sustainable defence and security institutions and providing capabilities to regional forces.

CAF personnel in the Middle East and the capacity-building assistance programmes support our regional partners’ security forces, enhancing stability and security in the region.