Corporal Josee Lavigne was awarded the King’s Coronation Medal on Feb. 25, “for outstanding performance while Second in Command of 1 RCHA Regimental Orderly Room. Her technical acumen and attention to detail enabled them to perform in a supervisory role, out of trade. She oversaw the administration of members preparing to deploy on OP IMPACT while preparing to deploy herself.” (Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News)
K-J Millar
Shilo Stag Media
For the first time in history, the King Charles III Coronation Medal was presented to five CFB Shilo military members in an awards parade at the Base on Feb. 25.
Private Angele LeBlanc, Master-Corporal Stephanie Bisset, Master-Corporal Derek Picklyk, Corporal Josee Lavigne and Chief Warrant Officer Eric LeClair all received the medal commemorating the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III as King of Canada.
The Chancellery of Honours at Rideau Hall administers the medal presented to the Shilo soldiers by Base Commander Lieutenant-Colonel David Cronk and Regimental Sergeant Major Chief Warrant Officer Eric LeClair.
Candidates for the award must meet specific criteria, which include having made a significant contribution to Canada or province or made an outstanding achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada. The military selection criteria is based on merit and includes guidelines to ensure recipients are representative of the CAF population, Regular and Reserve, including Cadet Instructors and Canadian Rangers.
During the anniversary year, 4,000 CAF members will be recognized with the medal in the more than 30,000 awarded to civilians and public service employees in federal departments and agencies, including the Department of National Defence (DND).
“The CAF leadership directed that recognition will be focused on the work of those in lower ranks for both the Non-commissioned and officer corps which are so critical to our operational success, particularly as we rebuild the CAF to its authorized strength,” the Government of Canada website states.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau first announced the new medal program three days before the May 3, 2023 Coronation.
The nickel-silver, 32 mm medal design, hanging on a red striped ribbon, bears a crowned effigy of HM King of Canada, was announced on May 6, 2024. The award is inscribed with “CHARLES III DEI GRATIA REX” and “Canada” on the obverse side.
The reverse side shows a frosted ring of triangular shapes, evoking the image of a celebration string of pennants.
“The 13 shapes allude to Canada’s provinces and territories, and their circular arrangement conveys the idea of inclusion for all Canadians. The circle is also an important concept for many Indigenous peoples, symbolizing not only equity but also the cycles of the natural world,” the website description states.
The medal was designed by Cathy Bursey-Sabourin, Fraser Herald at the Canadian Heraldic Authority at the Chancellery of Honours. The Royal Canadian Mint manufactures the medal.
The awards parade also honoured CFB Shilo’s Master-Warrant Officer Darlene Skinner with the United States of America Meritus Service Medal, and two personnel received Base Commanders Coins.

Master Corporal Stephanie Bisset was awarded the King’s Coronation Medal on Feb. 25, “For excellence as a leader within logistics and her championing of CAF sports through dedication to softball. Contributes significantly to the community by participating in therapeutic horse riding, showcasing commitment to well-being and resilience.” (Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News)

Master Corporal Derek Picklyk was awarded the King’s Coronation Medal, “For outstanding dedication to the CAF, and example for others to follow. They serve as an outstanding role model, earning Fittest Man in Manitoba two years running and receiving Soldier of the Year in 2023. They consistently bring credit to the CAF.”(Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag)

Private Angele Leblanc was awarded the King’s Coronation Medal on Feb. 25, “For their involvement with the Departmental Indigenous Advisory Group as the co-chair, and unwavering dedication and contributions to furthering awareness of Indigenous culture and traditions through teachings and events within the unit and CAF.” (Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News)

Chief Warrant Officer Eric LeClair was awarded the King’s Coronation Medal on Feb. 25, “For outstanding performance of 32 years of service. Their perseverance in returning to duty after injuries sustained during combat operations highlight their professionalism, dedication to sports, and volunteerism to the highest standards of conduct.” (Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News)

Private Jade LePatourel was award the Base Commanders coin for being ” the lead HRA for DAG of Reserve augmentees deploying with 2 PPCLI on OP REASSURANCE 25-01. During this time, she navigated digitization changes to the DAG process which added additional complications. She briefed the 2 PPCLI chain of command on the new process and ensured that all files were completed to a high standard. Pte Lepatourel’s performance was well above what is expected of her rank level and helped facilitate the successful deployment of 60 augmentee personnel.” (Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News)

Corporal Donavan Scott was awarded the Base Commnaders Coin on Feb. 25, and “has demonstrated exceptional dedication and leadership by single-handedly instructing multiple Military First Aid courses for 2VP and 0118, significantly contributing to their readiness and qualifying other First Aid instructors. His commitment to delivering high-quality, hands-on training has ensured that both units are fully prepared for deployment and capable of responding to medical emergencies. Through his leadership, Cpl Scott has raised the overall standard of training within both units, directly contributing to their operational success and overall cohesion.” (Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News)

Master Warrant Officer Darlene Skinner was officially presented with the United States of America Meritus Service Medal for distinguishing herself with outstanding service as a Supply Liaison Officer for the Canadian Aremed Forces Logistics Unit at Wright-Patterson Airforce Base in Ohio from July 2019 to July 2023. (Photo K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News)