Chief Warrant Officer Eric LeClair, Regimental Sergeant Major, presents Lieutenant-Colonel David Cronk, Base Commander, who was captain of the winning team after the inaugural CFB Shilo Ball-Hockey Cup on Dec. 14. K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News
K-J Millar
Shilo Stag News
The inaugural Shilo Ball-Hockey Tournament Cup was claimed by team “The Officers” after a three-game competition saw junior ranks play against more senior Canadian Forces staff in a morning of friendly rivalry. on Dec. 14.
Base Commander Lieutenant-Colonel David Cronk who was captain of the first-place team, said he and the Regimental Sergeant Major, Chief Warrant Officer Eric LeClair, have set a goal to increase morale and camaraderie at CFB Shilo.
“Sports is a great way to come together … and this is another one of the traditions we like to keep alive,” the Base Commander told Shilo Stag News.
He said various games were previously played during the holiday period, but activities were benched during the pandemic.
“There’s been a bit of a pause because of COVID and the tempo. But it’s another one of those things that I and the RSM are trying to reinvigorate with team sports and camaraderie.
Pivoting the conversation back to the tournament, he said the final score was 5-2 for the officers who won against the Privates and Corporals.
“They played great. They had youth and vigour on their side. They were very fast,” he said. “But I think, maybe, the officers had age and wisdom to them get over the hump of the [pace and agility].”