
Crowned with army helmets hockey kings soldier for a day
Members of the Wheat Kings hockey team participate in Soldier for a Day at CFB Shilo on Sept. 12 in a series of team building exercises including small arms training, obstacle course maneuvers and the combat force race. Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag NewsK-J...

Exercise Mount Ram brings home the win
Sergeant David Elliot from B Battery brought home second place in the Men's Masters category winning 14 overall, with a time of 5:54:51 at the 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (1CMBG) Exercise Mountain Ram, held in Edmonton on Aug. 30. (Photo: supplied/Thomas...

An army of colour supports the 2023 Terry Fox run
An exuberant participant colours the way across the finish line at the 2023 CFB shilo Terry Fox run on Aug. 31. (Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News)K-J MillarShilo Stag News Runners, walkers, strollers and furry friends started off on the right foot in a sea of colour...

More than 350 take a bite out of the Recreational Showcase highlighting Base activities
Jada Kasprick is a speed skater who attended the Canada Winter Games in 2023 representing Team Manitoba. She was on hand at the Recreational Showcase on Aug. 24 to talk about the sport. Photo: K-J Millar/Shilo Stag NewsK-J MillarShilo Stag News More than 350 people...

Shilo fighter conquers the challenge in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Strangle Submission Series
CFB Shilo Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitor, Cpl. Kevin Camara, on Aug. 26. brought home the championship win and $1,000 with just two weeks training for the series. (Photo:submitted/owenwallphotos) Written/Submitted: Joe O'Donnell, A Canadian Forces Base...

Aim your arrow to join a new club with “Dinner on Us”
UPDATED: Due to inclement weather warnings, the location of the Recreation Showcase has changed to the L25 building. Original: If free food and a bouncy castle don't call your name, then one of the many clubs and activities may be offering a shout out at the...

Golf Wrap-Up Tournament blows gale force results
Bryce Seguin and team partner Kyle Timm, holding Quinn Timm, standing next to Andy Depner are presented as league champions at the 2023 CFB Shilo Community Recreation League Golf Wrap Up tournament on Aug. 16. Photo K-J Millar/Shilo Stag News.K-J Millar, EditorShilo...

Cycle to the Shield for Wounded Warriors
Sergeant Rob Nederlof is cycles into CFB Shilo Base Maintenance during his To the Shield, Prairie Thousand cycle tour fundraising for the Wounded Warriors PTSD support dog program raising awareness of mental health issues. His cycle journey made the half way point at...

Brazilian Jui Jitsu grapplers ready to battle Nov. 4 — Shilo Submission Showdown
Join us for the highly-anticipated Shilo Submission Showdown being hosted on this Base. Witness an epic submission-only grappling event hosted by PSP Recreation Club – Shilo Brazilian Jui Jitsu Nov. 4 at L25.

1RCHA vs Minnesota Warriors-St Cloud — Camaraderie forged playing hockey, golf
In a heartwarming display of international camaraderie and friendly competition, members of 1RCHA and Minnesota Warriors-St Cloud came together for a weekend of bonding, which featured golf and hockey.